My friend Eeva nominated me for a Liebster Award 2015 for this blog - thanks Eeva!
Alas, as per award stipulations I can't nominate hers back and I don't really browse others' blogs often enough to have a favorite 11, but here are my responses to Wander the World's questions:
1. If you could visit one destination in the world, where would it be? Iceland. Their culture has been proudly self-contained for ages, and their geography and landscape is dynamic and beautiful, and yet the land is small enough I can perhaps "do it all" in one go.
2. Which book is your favourite and why? "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal", by Christopher Moore. I find it accessible to anyone who doesn't mind a humorous take on Christ's unaccounted-for years, and it's silly, but also thoughtful and well done.
3. Can you speak another language(s) and if so, which one(s)? A bit of German, enough to get by, and Grade 11 Canadian French, though is a bit rusty.
4. What is the most bizarre food you’ve eaten? "Bizarre" is relative. I've eaten eight feet of raw stinging nettles in an hour at the Stinging Nettle Eating Championship in Marshwood, England. They're high in vitamin D and would pair well with a Sauvignon Blanc.
5. Would you travel solo? I prefer travelling solo. Less people to consult/cater to every decision.
6. What are your 3 essentials you take with you when travelling? Passport. Water bottle. Little toy bunny on my bag I can talk to when the going gets rough.
7. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Years ago I would've said sweet, but nowadays I find savoury more satisfying, less of that cloying mouth-feel and sugar spike-crash. I sometimes convince myself that they're more healthy too.
8. Is your preference beers, wines or cocktails? Wine.
9. How did you start blogging? It was recommended as a tip for marketing and exposure to get a career foothold as a 'professional'... in whatever my profession is. Hmm. Some folks think I should court the travel mags to see if they'd like to publish my articles - any takers?
10. How many languages can you say “thank you” in? Five. I can say "cheers" in more.
11. Where have you experienced the most extreme culture shock? Maybe Mexico, as many practices there we would consider unsafe here, especially with cars. Safety features like rear view mirrors and seatbelts and even seats are merely a suggestion!! Most of my travels have been to countries with cultures similar to mine (Europe, and I'm English blood), so perhaps slight variations in gender roles, how ladies should dress and how macho the guys are. A wise man told me "People are pretty much the same, wherever you go" - the differences are amusing, but the similarities are just human.
Thanks for the nomination!
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