Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Farewell, Minter Gardens

It's too bad the Minter Gardens are closing in October.  I felt this was one of the nicest attractions out in the Fraser Valley,  though far enough away (Chilliwack) that I suppose it wasn't financially viable anymore. Taking a sunny Sunday I felt I'd take the opportunity to visit one last time, and encourage others to do so.  Adult admission is $20 but one can enjoy a leisurely full day there, with an elegant restaurant and café and a network of trails over 13 acres. 

Following the main garden path has thoughtful details around every corner through sculpture and arrangement; topiaries and water features and organized flower beds.  Most of the bulb flowers and vines were finished blooming, and late July's colors featured astilbe, begonias, marigolds, dusty miller, osteospermum, geraniums, dahlias, alyssum, and some late roses. 

A surprise was a demonstration from Cinemazoo and the Urban Reptile Rescue, who brought little friends in tubs and cages and let the crowd handle them.  I got a boa constrictor draped on me, held a bearded dragon, and pet a tagu and a tortoise that were lounging on the path.  The facilitators were very informative, and it was a great opportunity for everyone.

After a picnic outside we returned to find the outer path was closed due to a bear sighting in the area (!), so we had pretty much explored every corner that we could.  I had noticed throughout the day that there seemed few birds around, but it was just when I was still enough settling on the well-manicured lawn that I caught the flash of yellow tails over a pond fountain - the cedar waxwings' acrobatic flycatching was a calming dance to watch, what a way to spend a summer afternoon!    

1 comment:

  1. And there were purple flowers too! Actually it was very nice, it's a shame to see it closing. Wonder what will become of the grounds? Stay tuned for pictures...
