The year is drawing to an end. I haven't been posting as much this year, or at least nothing of substance. Have I had an unsubstantial year? A friend browsed my scant blog post in November and inquired "Isn't there anything you want to remember?", and that has resounded with me since. I had not considered this blog a way to jog my memory, I would instead invest the time to scroll through years of emails in my Sent folder directed at specific people, not an online global readership. I use this blog to shine a light on undiscovered areas or endorse businesses or organizations etc. I've used this blog as a way to chronicle my travels, and aside from the Sloquet and some of the Maritime trip most of where I've gone this year is a revisit of places I've been - beautiful delightful places I've enjoyed, but no need to repeat myself here.
Thus begins my usual restless stirrings for a new adventure. Greener pastures, distant shores. Maybe it's the typical grey weather of winter in Vancouver. January will likely be a sluggish time begging for a break in the monotony (Robbie Burns Day!), but if I stay focused it will be a good time to plan and organize, gain money and information.

In the meantime here is the Christmas tree I decorated for my friends this year. They received eight bright green bunny ornaments so of course I featured them along with brassy yellow gold and orange and lime and red, looking like a bright fruit salad. I've kept an eye out for bunny-themed ornaments since fall and am quite surprised at the lack of them. There will always be puppies and kittens for the pet lovers, and seem to be plenty of birds and squirrels and deer, and the _fashionable_ fad is owls and foxes. No bunnies. My mom suggested that they're too synonymous with Easter so people don't associate them with Christmas.
Christmas this year was steady and easy and sensible. I suffered the mall downtown only once to hit one specific store, in fact all my shopping was very deliberate with no impulsive purchases. Most of my gifts to others were homemade consumables. My time was spread out with people throughout the month; the glitz of impersonal work parties earlier, then an elaborate yet intimate birthday party, then Christmas itself with my family and all the traditions of our childhood - crepes in the morning after opening gifts, and turkey in the evening with brussel sprouts, turnips, mashed potatoes, canned cranberry jelly. I've had at least two weeks of wearing lazy slouchy pants with rum+egg nog. My last year's new year's resolution of getting more exercise is, well, close enough. I colored in my nephews' coloring books.

We did a short afternoon search for a few geocaches and found all three we attempted, along the promenade along the river. We lucked into a brief afternoon of sunshine on Christmas Day that was bookended by snow days before and after, made me more grateful that we got outside when we did.